High cost to maintain and operate legacy systems, High percentage of budget allocated for Run-Maintain than Change initiatives
Inability to keep pace with the speed at which customer facing applications need to change, Inability to leverage newer technologies leading to non-alignment with skills available in the market
Inflexible systems reading to long cycles of development and testing
Locked infrastructure investments due to inability to scale on demand
Identify areas of opportunity for migration, modernization, rationalization, optimization, security and innovation
Define future state application portfolio and initiatives
Quantify transformation costs and estimate business benefits
Create a roadmap with prioritized transformation initiatives including Cloud Migrations, DevOps, cloud security framework and cloud management implementation plan
Design the roadmap to modernize IT with cloud and build the business benefits case for transformation across the application portfolio and enterprise architecture.
Develop a target hybrid integration architecture, hybrid security architecture, and integration of multi-cloud and legacy.
Understand the impact of cloud on the IT organization, and enhance the IT operating model across people and processes to optimize existing operations and accelerate the value of innovation.
Accelerate successful mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, and joint ventures by leveraging cloud to realize faster business value while reducing risk during implementation.